Fees & Funding

2024 Fees

2 Year Extended Diploma in Performing Arts:
£6765 per year

1 Year Foundation Course in Performing Arts:

Fees applicable to all new students starting Sept 24.


Kingsclere Performing Arts College is an independent specialist college working in partnership with Newbury College. Fees to cover the integrated performance package, uniforms, headshots, trips and other costs are applicable.

Means tested reductions may be available via the Kingsclere Performing Arts College Bursary Award scheme. If you are passionate about your career in performing arts and you are worried about the cost, please submit your application and a member of the team will be happy to discuss your options. Where financial assistance is required, all students can apply for means tested bursaries and on occasion scholarships can be offered on the strength of a candidate’s audition.

In addition, an affordable payment plan can be arranged. All students should feel welcome to access training at Kingsclere Performing Arts College, regardless of their financial circumstances. Passionate individuals are strongly encouraged to apply.

For Students aged 16-19 Kings PA offers enhanced full-time training. The programme we provide is a hybrid of privately funded vocational training alongside the Government funded Level 3 qualification for students aged 16–19 years. 


The Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts qualification is provided on site at Kingsclere in partnership with Newbury College. This provision equates to 16 hours per week, and includes practical lessons, academic lessons and tutorials. This part of the provision is free to all learners who have not previously completed a level 3 qualification. As a partner of Newbury College, the government funded Level 3 provision is eligible for Ofsted inspections and is subject to be included the Newbury College Ofsted inspection process. The Level 3 Extended Diploma is delivered exclusively by the Kings PA faculty, ensuring the standard of excellence is maintained throughout the entire training provision.


Privately funded vocational training is referred to as our “Integrated Training & Performance Package” which for 2024/25 is priced at £6765 per year. It includes 12.5 hours per week of bespoke vocational training and inclusion in up to 5 full scale productions in professional theatres/performance spaces. It enables Kings PA to operate the training programme from its own customised premises where performing arts students have exclusive use of the 3 mirrored dance studios, 1 black -box acting studio, the classroom, common rooms and changing facilities. For more information about our premises in Kingsclere, Hampshire please click here.


For a full break down of Integrated Performance Package and the difference between the Funded and Non-Funded part of the course please see the table below.


Level 3 Qualification: What’s Included?



Can I still attend Kings PA on the Government funded provision only, upon successful audition?

Yes, students can choose the Government funded provision only, equating to 16 hours per week over 3 days.  This is sufficient to achieve the OCR Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts qualification.

However, it is important to understand the difference in the weekly content and overall provision. The standard of our advertised success and progression rates, and the high-quality public performances are representative of those students who have opted in to the full provision including the (privately funded) Integrated Performance and Training package. It is strongly advised that students who wish to attend Kings PA and benefit from its reputation of excellence and successful progression into professional training, opt to access the full enhanced provision. All students are eligible to apply for a Kings PA bursary to help fund the private training element, and affordable payment plans are available. See funding.


Is the ‘Integrated Training and Performance Package’ worth it?

We believe it is excellent value for money and designed to cover the full range of training needs, negating the need for private evening classes, private tutors and theatre group performances. The programme is designed to be affordable and accessible for all with our bursary scheme.

Please see the break-down of course content and extras you receive when opting into the Integrated Training and Performance Package in the table above.

Kings PA is committed to bringing our students the very highest quality of training but also the best pre-professional training and performance experience possible. This means budgeting to fund full-scale productions, employing highly experienced teachers and external directors with extensive industry experience who are masters in their fields, and excusive private tuition and coaching where necessary, all delivered in our bespoke premises, so our facilities match the quality of training. Productions take place in a range of professional working theatres, giving students actual work experience as a company member. For students who want their two years at sixth form college to count towards their professional onward journey, the hybrid funded/private provision sets Kings PA aside from other colleges with UK Government funded Level 3 performing arts courses; it allows for individualised training, professional level performances, and is an important and necessary part of the experience. It the element that contributes to our 100% progression and success rates.

Foundation Programme

For students aged 18 and over, and who have completed A-levels or a Level 3 course, Kings PA offers private full-time training on our Foundation Course, accessible for 1 or 2 years. Students entering our Foundation course who wish to apply for Higher Education/Degree Courses must have completed a full Level 3 course or A-levels prior to joining Kings PA. 28.5 hours training per week, over 5 days Monday – Friday for 2024/25 is priced at £6765 per year. All Foundation students are eligible to apply for a Kings PA Bursary Award to assist with course fees.